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Are Raw Uncut Diamonds Worth Anything?

Are Raw Uncut Diamonds Worth Anything?

When we talk about diamonds, we usually imagine a finished product, processed, polished, shiny stone which looks beautiful in a jewelry store. But, have you ever thought about what a diamond looks like and how much it is worth before going through all these processes?

Such a diamond is called a raw diamond. As we mentioned, raw diamond is a gemstone that has not undergone any type of treatment after being found in nature, beneath the earth. 

Raw diamonds are gemstones that are in the condition in which they were found. They are uncut and unpolished, without specific shape and facets. More precisely, they look like pebbles that are transparent and with a little yellow or brown tints. There are raw diamonds that are completely transparent but they are hard to find because they are rare. 

Raw diamonds come in many unusual and unique shapes and it is their shape that makes them so special. Let’s go through some interesting facts about raw diamonds together, to get to the real question that interests you the most, which is: Are raw uncut diamonds worth anything?

Yes, they are – stay on this article, and read why!

Raw Diamonds Sorting And Classification 

Raw diamonds are categorized into three categories and every category has its own use: 

  • Gem quality
  • Crushing-Boart 
  • Industrial quality 

Gem quality: This is the type of diamond classification that will be used in the jewelry industry, so it must be of good color and purity, but its shape is not important because it will certainly be cut. 

Crushing-Boart: This category includes diamonds of the worst quality that exist. These diamonds are mostly crushed and used as diamond dust which is then used to polish diamonds

Industrial quality: Diamonds reserved for industry belong to this category. Industrial diamonds must be of good quality. It is preferred that these diamonds be yellow in color due to greater hardness. They are used for the production of dies, for the tools for drilling, ream shells, etc.

Raw diamonds are used for gas, mineral, and oil exploration. 

In other words, only 20% of the total production of raw diamonds is used for jewelry production. We mentioned them under the Gem quality category. The other 80% is intended for industrial use. 

Related Read: What Are Diamonds Used For Other Than Jewelry?

What Raw Diamonds Look Like? 

The appearance of raw diamonds is characterized by the absence of specific shape and form, they are always irregular in shape, like ordinary stones in nature, and each is different and unique. Certainly, a very common feature of a raw diamond is a brownish or yellowish tint.

Sometimes, this tint is more visible, more present, and sometimes it is barely visible. Both in the shape and tint, each stone varies and differs.

The more pronounced the ink, the lower the value of the stone. It, therefore, diminishes his value. We mentioned that there are stones that are completely clean and transparent, they are certainly worth much more, but they are rare.

Another name for colorless diamonds is white diamonds, whose prices are extremely high.

Learn More: How Can You Tell if an Uncut Diamond Is Real?

Types And Names Of Raw Diamonds

Here are some beautiful raw diamonds that look fantastic in the form of an engagement ring, or jewelry for men. They are completely different, unique, and colorful! Maybe your choice will become such an unusual raw diamond. 

Raw Diamond Octahedrons

Raw diamond Octahedron is a beautiful stone that grows in many different geometric shapes. The most popular and most common raw diamond shape, the Octahedron, looks unique and unrepeatable on an engagement ring, which is why it is not a rare choice for such occasions. 

Raw Diamond Balls ( Ballas or Spheres) 

Raw diamond balls are diamonds found in this form. Their surface can be rough, soft matte, or glossy, smooth like glass. These are rare gemstones that are not as common as the previous ones. They are also often used as a stone for engagement rings, which, due to their shape, can make them look very interesting. 

Raw Diamond Cubes

Nature is really amazing, isn’t it? Did you know that this raw diamond got its name because it really is in the shape of a cube! Of the raw diamonds listed so far, the cube diamond is certainly the greatest miracle. Imagine an engagement ring with a raw diamond cube, it would definitely be something special and unique. 

Raw Diamond Maccle 

This raw diamond is a triangular-shaped and flat gemstone that grows naturally as such. So, natural triangular diamond! When making jewelry, they are usually left exactly as they are, without processing and changing this unique and rare shape. They are placed in the setting of a piece of jewelry so that they fit whole in their shape.

A good and unique example of a Maccle diamond use, would be if we opted for one in a man’s wedding ring. That triangle on a wide and simple ring would bring it uniqueness with shine, but without excessive glare. 

Raw Diamond Slices

These are not completely raw gemstones because they have cuts – that’s where the name comes from. Still, they look pretty raw. Diamond slices are each completely unique and unrepeatable. They come in many different colors and sizes. Transparent ones can also appear. There may be several larger facets on the face of a diamond slice. A diamond slice can also make a ring look very unusual and beautiful. 

Everything You Need To Know When Buying Raw Diamond

Raw diamonds are more affordable. Their price is much lower than the price of processed diamonds. The average price of a 1 carat raw diamond is a few hundred dollars, while the price of a processed, cut diamond of 1 carat is a few thousand dollars. 

Raw diamond must have a Kimberley Process Certificate to be transferred to processing. Thanks to this certificate, the supplier has a guarantee that the diamond comes from the war-free area. When a diamond is cut, polished, in a word processed, it can no longer have that certificate. 

Raw diamonds are artsy and unique. As we have already mentioned through the examples of some forms of raw diamonds, we repeat that they are very unusual and different, and because of their appearance, they stand out and leave an impression. You will not go wrong with a raw diamond if you are looking for something different.

But, like most good things, despite all the advantages, raw diamonds have some disadvantages: Raw diamonds lack brilliance and sparkle. If you are looking for shine then maybe a raw diamond is not the first choice for you. 

Often, these diamonds are colored darker and have imperfections. These are the brownish and yellowish tints we mentioned. Due to these imperfections, diamonds are often sent for cutting and processing, while those of lower quality are left in their raw state. This is important to know if you want a raw diamond, you have to choose carefully!

When we talk about careful selection, you should also know that that choice is not easy. You may not be knowledgeable enough to judge by yourself whether your choice is smart. You will probably need an expert to determine if the raw diamond is suitable for cutting and another expert to perform the process.

Furthermore, without cutting, it would not be bad for an expert to look at the raw diamond you have chosen, precisely because of all the examples of what can be good or bad on a diamond. On the other hand, if you like a rustic, imperfect look of stone, then there is no need to worry about these details. 

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Are Raw Diamonds Worth Anything?

From all you can read above, you can tell by yourself now – yes, they are worth it, but how much – that is the question.  

Raw diamonds have certain flaws called inclusions,(if you want to explore what inclusions are, read this article), but those ones that have inconspicuous inclusions or a smaller number of them, have higher purity and therefore higher price. A raw diamond that has a yellowish or brownish tint is a stronger stone, but less valuable. 

The higher the carat weight, the more the gemstone is worth. A smaller inclusion that is not yellowish or brownish also affects the price to be higher. It is important to know that if you come across a flawless raw diamond, which is very, very rare, it will cost much more than a processed diamond with a low-quality grade. 

So, as with the processed rules, the same rule applies to raw diamonds. The more raw diamond is colorless, the more expensive it is. As for the shape, if it is naturally shaped and meets your standards, you were lucky. We have already listed some very beautiful and interesting shapes that grow just like that, but if you do not like the shape, and the diamond must be cut, they become smaller and therefore their price is lower. 

In order to most accurately and vividly answer the question: Are raw diamonds worth anything, we suggest you take a look at these prices of raw diamonds. These are raw diamonds that have the Kimberley certificate that we mentioned, which means that they are conflict free. All these diamonds come from an ethical source. See now what the prices of raw diamonds are:

  • A 1.10 carat light-filled raw diamond dodecahedron costs $ 4,350.00
  • 2.46 carat gold champagne raw diamond dodecahedron costs $ 3,690.00
  • 1.69 carat gorgeous triangular raw diamond costs $ 3,250.00
  • 2.32 carat black demi-cut raw diamond costs $ 1,915.00

Related Read: Do Raw Uncut Diamonds Have Resale Value?

Final Thoughts 

Let’s go through some main facts once again! 

Raw diamonds are uncut, unprocessed gemstones that have been preserved in their original natural form in which they were found. Of course, they can be cut and processed, but in that way they lose their authenticity and uniqueness. 

Fantastic shapes of raw diamonds can be found in nature, and as such they can decorate a ring or some other piece of jewelry and make it unique. Raw diamonds are not only worth something, they can cost a lot, it all depends on the size of the carats, the purity of the diamond, and the inclusions that almost every stone has to a greater or lesser extent.

See Also: How Much Is a Rough 1-Carat (1ct) Diamond Worth?