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Which Diamond Cut Sparkles The Most?

Which Diamond Cut Sparkles The Most?

When you’re buying jewelry pieces, you’re aiming for the finest ones.

Let’s say that you want to buy a diamond ring this time; you are undoubtedly looking for the best option out there. But what does “the best” mean in diamond terms?

It’s pretty simple. The best choice has the most sparkle.

And although this might be #1, you can’t just go in and buy the first diamond you see. You have to pay attention to a couple of crucial characteristics. More precisely, you need to take into account the famous 4 C’s of a diamond.

With that said, which diamond cut sparkles the most?

Out of many different diamond cuts available to you, the round brilliant cut sparkles the most.

Let’s go ahead and see why this cut sparkles the most, what its benefits are, and if there are things you should look out for when purchasing one.

Read on!

Round Brilliant Cut – The Sparkliest Diamond Cut

There you have it; the round brilliant cut is your answer. This type of cut allows the gemstone to reflect light on every single facet – and there are 58 of them. And it’s precisely this reflection that creates the dazzling sparkle. 

Let’s be honest: In the jewelry world, sparkle sells.

But this was not coincidental. This diamond cut was carved with the intention to be the best. Namely, Marcel Tolkowsky, a famous diamond cutter, created this diamond cut. He came up with it on his own by using a specially designed formula that served as his Ph.D. thesis later.

Who knew that the magic behind a diamond’s sparkle is, in fact, based on math and physics, huh? Anyway, as interesting as this is, it’s not all there is to know about the diamond cut. There’s a lot more to learn – so, keep scrolling!

Related Read: Who Is The Best Diamond Cutter In The World?

Why Is Diamond Cut So Important?

Diamond cut is essential for both the gemologists that identify and evaluate it and you who buy it.

Let us explain: When making a jewelry piece, diamond cutters strive to make the final product perfect. That is easier said than done, though – and they can only achieve the perfect cut with precision.

Diamond cut is SO important because it brings out symmetry, proportion, and polish.

The highest quality diamond cut is supposed to be perfectly symmetrical. That means that each facet should be identical to the one on the other side, down to the smallest millimeter.

With the round brilliant cut, there is 58 facets total, and diamond cutters have named them specifically so that they ensure absolute precision while carving.

As far as proportion goes, nearly all diamond cuts are based on Tolkowsky’s diamond design – which is, again, the round brilliant cut. Once the diamond cutters have taken care of the symmetry and exact proportions, polishing the diamond will only add to the sparkle.

While we’re here, it’s also crucial to note down three additional terms – brilliance, dispersion, and scintillation.

Brilliance describes the intensity of white light that is reflected. Dispersion is the white light that has been refracted inside the diamond. Lastly, scintillation refers to the literal diamond sparkle – small bursts of light.

Related Read: What Light Makes Diamonds Sparkle Most?

How Is Diamond Cut Graded?

Since we’re talking about diamond cuts and choosing the best one, you should be familiar with the cut grade table. Let’s quickly go through it:

Excellent:These diamonds have the highest level of brilliance and fire, which makes them sparkle the most. Excellent diamond cuts reflect light perfectly, and they have a beautiful design. 
Very good:A very good cut is not much different from an excellent cut, and only a professional gemologist will be able to give you an explanation of why this is. Still, this diamond cut also reflects light and has a high level of brilliance.
Good:A good cut is still a good choice, but there won’t be that much reflection. If you’re on a tight budget, this could be an efficient alternative. 
Fair:Fair diamond cuts are somewhere between good and bad quality. They reflect light to some extent, and they’re best for side stones.
Poor:Poor-quality cuts shouldn’t be your priority. You should get these only if your budget doesn’t allow you anything better. These diamonds offer minimal sparkle and almost no reflection.

Related Read: Diamond Cut Grade: All You Need To Know About Diamond Cut

In essence, this cut grade table evaluates the following points:

  • How your diamond appears when it’s viewed face-up and the level of fire and brilliance
  • How precise the design is
  • The quality and the polishing method that is used for polishing the facets

Related Read: Which Diamond Cut Has the Greatest Number of Facets?

Does Cut Influence Price?

Absolutely! The more prestigious the cut, the more you’re going to pay. So, if you want the round brilliant cut, you will need to loosen up your budget plans.

Now, we know that people want to see some real numbers. So, let’s see exactly how much money you’d have to set aside for specific diamond cuts.

Round $2,220
Pear $1,910

As you can see, the round brilliant cut is by far the most expensive – but that’s just the price you’ll have to pay for HQ gemstones.

The round brilliant cut may be the most – well, brilliant, but it’s certainly not the only one that exists out there.

Diamond techniques have evolved and continue to grow to this day, offering jewelry lovers beautiful shapes that perfectly complement their appearance.

How do you find these diamonds? It’s time to mention a few other – and every bit as important – diamond cuts that might catch your attention.

Learn More: Diamond Shapes: All Different Types of Diamond Shapes

Cushion Cut

The cushion cut has been on display for a long time, somewhere around 200 years. The name corresponds to its appearance – which is rounded with pointed corners.

Today’s modern cushion cuts help improve the overall look and brilliance. This cut gained popularity via Instagram, as many celebrity brides chose this cut for their engagement and wedding rings.

Learn More: What Is A Cushion Cut Diamond?

Oval Cut

The oval cut is even older than the round brilliant cut. It has been traced to the 14th century, and most designs of this diamond cut have 58 facets – which is ideal.

One advantage that surely attracts customers is the shape of the diamond and the fact that this diamond cut will look more prominent on your hand, regardless of its carat weight.

Also, you can find this cut at relatively reasonable prices. You just need to ask your jeweler a couple of questions about the cut’s quality.

Related Read:

Princess Cut

The princess cut is all about the angles. The square shape adds to the modern look, and it pretty much goes well with everything: earrings, rings, even necklaces.

The design will make your diamond sparkle almost like the round brilliant cut, but you’ll have to set aside a little more money for this choice.

Related Read: Princess Cut Vs. Cushion Cut: A Comparison Guide

Radiant Cut

The radiant cut became popular during the ’70s. Although we can say that it is relatively new on the scene, this diamond cut turned out very well – some would even say that it’s similar to the princess cut.

Since the radiant cut does not yet have a rating on the cut grade table, it would be best to consult an expert before deciding on this.

Related Read: Radiant Cut Vs. Emerald Cut

Emerald Cut

Someone must have mentioned the emerald cut to you – and they did it for a reason. These diamonds have been a popular choice for wedding rings since the 1500s.

Their specific design allows them to reflect light better, which enhances their clarity. 

Here’s a piece of advice: These diamonds can vary in proportions, so it would be best to have an expert’s opinion.

Something else that you should know about diamond cuts?

Not everyone will love the radiant, princess, or even the round brilliant cut. Preferences are different, so it’d be best to try out these cuts in person and make your final decision based on that.

Read Also: Old European Cut: What Is An Old European Cut Diamond?

Avoid Buying A Poor Quality Diamond

You certainly don’t want to buy a diamond that looks cheap and low-quality. Still, people get carried away by first impressions and buy the first diamond with a stronger sparkle.

That’s not the way to go, though. To avoid some common mistakes people make, you should consider the following tips before you head down to the jewelry store.

First and foremost, ask about the quality of the cut. 

If you want to impress someone, our advice would be to avoid good, fair, and poor diamond cuts. They might be good for less important purchases – but don’t be shy to spend a couple more bucks if the occasion is a wedding or your engagement.

Although many people think that diamonds are forever, they’re not

So, if you buy a poor-quality diamond, the chances are that the quality will deteriorate faster. And who wants a wedding ring that you’ll have to return for repairs in the first five years of marriage? Yup, no one.

Next, any visible flaws on your diamond are potential red flags.

That is characteristic of I1, I2, and I3 diamonds. While some are only visible under 10x magnification, some you can see with the naked eye. These should be strictly avoided – especially when it comes to diamond wedding rings!

Oh, and one more thing: Visible flaws can drastically reduce the price of a diamond, so be careful not to be attracted by the low price – which is actually just a mask for poor quality.

If you don’t want someone to sell you a low-quality diamond, it would be best to have an expert with you, or at least a paper stating the quality of the diamond.

Learn More: Which Diamond Cut Holds Its Value?

Do Fake Diamonds Sparkle?

Here’s the thing: Both fake and real diamonds sparkle – but there’s something that sets them apart.

We’ve talked so much about this specific topic that you’re now likely 100% convinced that diamonds uniquely reflect the light under which they’re placed. 

Inside, there is brilliance, and outside, you have the fire. The critical thing here is that the reflection has a grayish or white sheen.

With fake diamonds, the reflection will be colorful. When you place a fake diamond under a lamp or UV light, you’ll see blue, green, yellow, pink, etc.

Let this be your first red flag. Genuine diamonds do not shine with rainbow colors.

Related Read: Does A Real Diamond Sparkle Rainbow?

Any Tests You Can Try?

Since we’re talking about diamond cuts, you can take your magnifying glass – if you have one – and take a better look at your diamond.

A real diamond, even a high-quality one, will have to have at least some signs of inclusions. That is a guarantee that you have a genuine gemstone with you. On the other hand, a glass copy will be flawless – which is impossible!

If you do not have a magnifying glass, you can use newspapers.

Take a piece of newspaper, and place your gemstone over it. Real diamonds should be able to bend and refract light. So, if your diamond prevents the black from shining through, you’ve got the real deal.

And if you’re able to read even a word through the diamond? Well, that’s not a good sign.

See Also: Do Small Diamonds Sparkle More?

Final Words

We’ve covered everything. Let’s just go through the main points once again, though.

It’s clear as day that the round brilliant cut sparkles the most. And not only that, but it’s going to cost you a couple more bucks than you expected. 

In the jewelry world, these are among the most famous – and priciest – diamond cuts.

Since today’s emphasis was on cut quality, it would be helpful to know a thing or two about the cut grade table. It’ll make it easier to determine the quality you want. 

That said, watch your budget; quality cuts can ramp up prices. Besides the round brilliant, you have the cushion, radiant, emerald, and princess cut. Don’t worry; they sparkle as well.

Last but not least, be aware of fake diamonds. They can sparkle as well – but they will emit a different kind of light. It’s a colorful reflection, whereas a genuine gem has this clear, grayish shine.

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