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Green Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know

Green Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know

Green diamonds are some of the most beautiful diamonds out there, especially in a good setting with a cut and a piece of jewelry that excellently complements the green color of the diamond.

Unfortunately, green diamonds often get mistaken for other gems that are green in color, which is a big injustice to these diamonds since their beauty is hardly reachable by any other gem.

Nevertheless, these diamonds are extremely popular despite them being quite rare. Some labs can sometimes replicate the color of these diamonds but very pale in color and with little consistency which makes these diamonds quite rare.

Green diamonds are some of the most beautiful diamonds out there and have been gaining in popularity over the past few years. In this article, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about green diamonds before you set off to buy one for yourself.

So, if you’re ready to learn, let’s dive deep into everything you need to know about green diamonds!

What Are Green Diamonds?

Green diamonds have a mesmerizing charm for people that see them in person, and oftentimes we forget to ask ourselves what are green diamonds exactly?

Well, green diamonds are actually regular diamonds that assumed the green color in the process of making, under conditions of extreme heat and pressure. These diamonds don’t have any specific characteristics (besides the color) that set them apart from any other regular diamond or any other different colored diamond.

Having this in mind, we can confidently say that green diamonds are regular diamonds that have assumed a green color to them in the process of creation. This may seem like an underwhelming answer, but that’s the whole truth. Green diamonds are just regular diamonds – but with a cool color to them.

A very interesting fact is that only less than 300 green diamonds that weigh over one carat have been identified in history, making green diamonds one of the rarest “Fancy diamonds” in the world!

Pink diamonds are common enough so we can calculate what percentage of diamonds come out pink, but green is such a rare color, even for small diamonds, that nobody knows exactly what percentage of excavated diamonds turn out to be green.

So, taking this into consideration, we can say that green diamonds are by far some of the rarest colored diamonds on Earth. These gems are quite rare and there have even been some that are so important and valuable that they were given a name and have been sold for millions of dollars, but more on that later on in the article!

Now that you know what green diamonds are, let’s take a look at some of the more specific facts we have prepared for you.

Where Do Green Diamonds Come From?

Green diamonds, like any other diamonds, are primarily excavated from the ground. Excavation spots aren’t set specifically to find green diamonds, but green diamonds are found by accident instead.

This means that excavation places rarely and accidentally find green diamonds, while some scientists in labs across the world are making a collective and individual effort to make green diamonds in a lab, so they can grow them there!

Green diamonds are rarely found, and when they are, the raw diamonds that have been dug up from the ground are quite small and often result in a polished and cut diamond that weighs less than one carat.

Now, when it comes to the question of where green diamonds come from, nobody can really pinpoint a location on Earth that excavates and searches specifically for green diamonds, meaning these gems technically come from all around the world.

Let’s look at the countries that are the biggest exporters of diamonds, meaning they most likely have a bigger amount of green diamonds in their possession. Some of the biggest countries in question are:

  1. India (US$15.2 billion)
  2. United Arab Emirates ($6.4 billion)
  3. Botswana ($3.8 billion)
  4. Russia ($3.2 billion)

These are all countries that export a big chunk of the world’s diamonds, and India is the biggest one, with 20.6% of total diamonds exports!

These numbers may seem awfully high, and that’s because they are. All four of these countries do have an amazing amount of diamonds exported each year, meaning they have a bigger probability of stumbling upon a few green diamonds.

It’s safe to say that these four countries, maybe with the additions of Hong Kong and Belgium have the biggest probability of exporting green diamonds, meaning if you stumble upon a green diamond in a jewelry store, chances are they came from these four (or six) countries.

Unfortunately, there isn’t an exact amount of diamonds that come from each and every country we talked about, but that only goes to show you how these gems are rarer than some of you might think since they don’t even make up a percentage of all diamonds that’s practically too small to even calculate.

Green Diamonds – Price

Now that you know how rare these gemstones really are, let’s talk about the price. The numbers may seem too high to some readers, but just keep in mind that these diamonds are definitely some of the rarest diamonds out there!

First of all, we’re going to see what are the prices on different continents, including the US and Europe since these two continents are the most important when it comes to diamonds, regardless of if we’re talking about excavation or selling and purchasing.

First, let’s take a look at how much you’re looking to spend on a green diamond in the US. A 1-carat green diamond that doesn’t have a vivid color to it, or a diamond that’s considered pale in color goes for anywhere between $10,000 to $50,000.

If we’re talking about fancy diamonds with intense green color, a diamond such as that can go for $150,000 to $200,000 dollars per carat of diamond. And the most expensive green fancy vivid diamonds that money can buy go for no less than $300,000 dollars per carate and just become more expensive from there.

The US is definitely the biggest market for diamonds, especially fancy diamonds such as green diamonds that we’re talking about, so the prices there are the most relevant.

When it comes to Europe, the story is a bit different. We’re going to talk about European prices in comparison to the US prices we just talked about. In Europe, you’ll find green diamonds for about 7% to 10% cheaper than in the US, but depending on where in Europe you’re buying these diamonds from, they may be a bit more expensive.

Monaco, Malta, or San Marino may not be your first choices when buying green diamonds since there, you have a higher probability of not paying less than in the US, but paying more instead. You may find other countries more profitable when shopping for diamonds, especially the western European countries.

Africa is a totally different story than the US and Europe. This is due to Africa being one of the richest continents when it comes to raw diamonds and not polished or cut diamonds like we are used to seeing them.

Related Read: Where To Buy Cheap Diamonds In The World?

Price Per Carat

Carats are a very important term in the world of diamonds, but many people don’t know what a carat exactly is. So first of all, let’s take a look at what carats are, and then let’s talk about the prices of green diamonds dependent on how many carats they have.

Carats are a unit of measurement equal to 0,200 grams, or one-fifth of one gram. For those who are reading this from the US, one carat equals 0.007-ounce avoirdupois.

This unit of measurement is used when measuring the mass of a diamond since these gemstones are some of the finest and smallest around the world. Measuring them in grams would just cause confusion and a lot of zeros!

Now that you know what carats are, let’s take a look at what the pricing of green diamonds is compared to their mass. We usually talk about 1-carat diamonds because they are usually the most sought-after diamonds. One carat of diamonds is usually what you find on an engagement ring or a small necklace.

But what do smaller, and even bigger diamonds cost?

Like with all things that are small and valuable, if you are looking to buy a bigger piece, you’re going to buy it for less amount of money per carat, but if you’re buying a green diamond that’s smaller than a 1-carat diamond – you’re going to pay more.

0.40 or 0.50-carat (or half a carat) diamonds are also quite popular, especially if the diamond in question is quite expensive, so people tend to buy smaller pieces. For a 0.50-carat green diamond, you will pay more than 50% of the price of a 1-carat diamond, and that will cost you anything between $6,000 and $165,000 dollars.

But, if you’re buying a green diamond that would cost, let’s say, $10,000 dollars if it weighed one carat, but you buy a gemstone that’s a 1,5-carat diamond, you’re looking to pay around $19,000.

The diamond market can seem confusing when it comes to these matters, but trust us – sometimes we find ourselves as confused as some of you are! This goes to show you that you need proper guidance when buying such precious gemstones and that you shouldn’t go shopping if you don’t know how much you should pay for the thing you’re shopping for.

Read More: Diamond Price List: How Much Is A 0.1 To 40 Carat Diamond Worth?

Price Depending On The Cut

Another important thing, besides the mass of the diamond, plays a significant role when it comes to determining a price of a diamond (especially a green diamond), and that’s the cut.

Cuts are a specific way in which a diamond cutter cuts diamonds, and there are plenty to choose from. Some are more complicated to execute, so they’re more expensive. Some other cuts are simpler, so they’re less expensive for that reason.

But when we’re talking about diamonds that are as rare as the green diamonds are, we need to talk about cuts from a different perspective. Usually, diamond cutters will ask you for a price that is larger than the regular price if they’re cutting green diamonds. This is due to common imperfections in these diamonds that can greatly impact how the diamond will look after being cut.

But, green diamonds are so rare that people oftentimes don’t care about the imperfections or the low clarity grade just because the diamond has that green color. This is more true for green diamonds that are deeper in color than for the diamonds that are paler in color.

Also, different cuts are somewhat dangerous to execute, you shouldn’t be surprised to hear that some diamond cutters actually refuse to cut green diamonds in that particular manner.

But, we digress – let’s talk about the price. The most expensive cuts for green diamonds are the round brilliant cut, the pear cut, and the Marquise cut. All three of these cuts seem to be around 15% more expensive than the rest of the cuts when it comes to green diamonds.

One thing that you should keep in mind is that the majority of green diamonds are cut into Emerald and Asscher cuts that are way more friendly to your budget and your wallet. This means you can save up to a few thousand dollars if you go with those cuts instead of the more expensive ones!

Best Jewelry Type & Setting For Green Diamonds

Regardless of how amazing these diamonds can be, they just look better when embedded in certain types of jewelry. This is due to their nature which requires a lot of light as a result of them being darker than regular diamonds, consequentially needing more light to shine and sparkle as much as they are able to.

So the pieces of jewelry that allow for the most light to enter a green diamond are better for your precious green gemstone. Three pieces of jewelry that come to mind when taking these factors into consideration are rings, necklaces, and earrings.

Settings also play an amazingly big and important role in how the green diamond is going to look in a piece of jewelry. This means that it should be picked out with care and not rushed since it can be the difference between a glorious-looking ring and a mediocre-level ring.

We’re also going to take a look at three settings that are considered the best for green diamonds and tell you what to look for while making sure you remember what to avoid.


First, let’s take a look at what jewelry is the best for green diamonds and why. Also, these jewelry pieces aren’t ranked from best to worst since if they were, it would look something like this:

  1. Necklaces
  2. Earrings
  3. Rings

Instead, these pieces of jewelry are ranked by popularity, and how often you can see a green diamond in one of them.


First of all, the rings. These pieces of jewelry are the most popular out there, by far. But, this doesn’t mean they’re the best for a green diamond.

Green diamonds, need a lot of light to look their best since they’re usually dark in color. Pale diamonds can deal with low levels of light and still look good, but more intense-colored green diamonds can’t. Diamonds are worn on fingers which are usually by a person’s waist not letting the diamond get enough light.

In addition to that, rings that contain green diamonds are usually made with diamonds cut in square-like shapes which means they are often emerald-cut diamonds or Asscher-cut diamonds. This directly implies that these diamonds need more light since they’re probably flat on top and need a lot of light to enter the crown of the diamond.


Necklaces are the best ones since they sit on top of the wearer’s chest and absorb as much light as possible from there unless they’re covered up with a dress, a shirt, or any other piece of clothing. These jewelry pieces often require a diamond that’s bigger in diameter and cut in a shape that’s more square and doesn’t have as much depth.

A decision like this can help your diamonds shine with less light, but since they’re thinner, they do usually need to be more than a carat in mass to have enough width to look big enough on a necklace.

The problem with these pieces of jewelry is that they often require a lot of precious metals to make, and a small diamond can’t cut it for a centerpiece. So, if you’re in the market for a green diamond necklace, remember that you’ll have to spend an extra buck or two.

Related Read: How Much Does A Real Diamond Necklace Cost?


Earrings are also phenomenal since they sit the highest out of all three pieces of jewelry we named. The only problem is that sometimes hair gets in the way and diamonds end up hidden under somebody’s hair or hairstyle.

But, if the right hairstyle is worn with these earrings, they’re the center of attention, regardless of where you are. Hairstyles recommended for these kinds of occasions are twisted hair, an elegant bun, a high ponytail, or anything that will get your hair off of your ears allowing for green diamonds to shine bright.

Diamond cuts are important here as well. Earrings, unlike necklaces, don’t require a bigger diamond, but they do require two. This usually results in the diamonds in each earring weighing at 0.50-carats making a total of 1-carat diamond and is sold for a price of a one-carat diamond.

So, if you’re ready to compromise with your hair, earrings are definitely a piece of jewelry you should consider if you’re looking for jewelry containing green diamonds.

Related Read: Diamond Earring Setting Types: Options To Consider


As we’ve mentioned previously, settings are as important as jewelry pieces you pick out. Every piece of jewelry needs to have a setting in order to hold a diamond.

Green diamonds are quite rare, and because of that, people often go for some safer options when it comes to settings. Some of the most beautiful settings are not that secure and there is a higher probability of your diamond falling out and chipping or shattering completely if it hits the ground from a big enough height.

Let’s look at two settings that are considered the absolute best settings when it comes to safety and beauty.

Prong Setting

Six prongs are quite enough to hold a diamond, but they can drown out the light that’s supposed to enter the diamond. That’s why you should look for green diamonds with prong settings that have thinner prongs, allowing more light to enter your diamonds and helping them shine even brighter.

Bezel Setting

The bezel setting may seem like a weird one, but it really works. If a diamond has enough room from the rest of the ring, and if the color of the diamond is a bit on the paler side of the spectrum, it works amazingly.

We’ve put this bezel as one of the best because of that. It’s an amazing minimalistic setting that will save you a dollar or two since that diamond won’t have that intense color while looking amazing regardless of that. Keep this setting as an open option if you’re in a situation where you can pick and chose a diamond that will be embedded in that setting.

Learn More: Types Of Diamond Settings: A Guide To Setting Styles

Best Cuts For Green Diamonds

Best Cuts For Rings

Rings are the easiest ones to come to conclusion about when it comes to cuts. Cuts that are recommended for green diamonds that find themselves in rings are the round-brilliant cut or the cushion cut if you have lighter diamonds, and emerald-cut or Asscher-cut if you are dealing with a more deep-colored green diamond.

The choice is simple here, all four of these cuts look amazing and none of them look bad on a ring. If you’re not a particular fan of any of these cuts, the only piece of advice we have for you is that you look out for deep cuts when it comes to diamonds with more intense colors, and thin cuts when it comes to the paleness of your diamond.

Everything else is a free choice, and we support you regardless of what you choose!

Best Cuts For Necklaces

Cuts for necklaces, as we’ve already mentioned, need to be wider but thinner since you can’t really appreciate the deepness of the diamond on a necklace unless it’s a very special necklace.

Again, emerald-cut diamonds and Asscher-cut diamonds work the best here, but just keep in mind that gemstones that are embedded in necklaces often need to be over one carat in mass to look even close to big enough on a big piece of jewelry, such as a necklace.

Famous Green Diamonds Around The World

Since green diamonds have been considered rare for as long as people have known about them, there have been a couple of very famous green diamonds around the world. Some of them are more famous than others, but we’re going to take a look at some of the most popular ones throughout history.

Drezden Diamond

This is the most recognized and famous green diamond. It is shown for display for the last 200 years in Saxony from whose capital it got its name. This pear-shaped diamond weighs 41.60 carats, it has a deep and evenly distributed green hue and the highest clarity level of VS1. All these features, as well as the fascinating history behind it, are responsible for the Dresden Diamond being the world’s most famous diamond.

Aurora Green

In May 2016 the Aurora Green was sold at a record price of $16.8 million at an auction held in Japan. Weighing in at 5.07 carats, it’s the largest Fancy Vivid green diamond ever sold. The green gemstone has a VS2 clarity level and is embedded with a gold ring studded with round pink diamonds, breaking the previous record set just one month earlier by the sale of “The Ocean Dream”.

The Ocean Dream

This Deep Blue-green diamond weighs 5.51 carats and was sold for $8.9 million. The deep and rare color of the shield-shaped diamond makes it one of the rarest stones. It’s examined and approved by the GIA as a natural diamond that acquired its special color in an underground radioactive process spanning millions of years.


Now you have the access to all the information needed so you can call yourself a green diamond expert!

All of these pieces of information are quite crucial to the history and the modern importance of green diamonds, and it’s just a few scrolls away from here.

All-in-all, these diamonds are some of the rarest and most beautiful gemstones on Earth, so if you have an opportunity to see or even hold one, be sure to take it since you probably will have to wait until you have another one.

In addition to that, we hope that you have learned something new and that we interested you in green diamonds, if not in the sense of buying them, then to research them further and find out more details about them!