It’s understandable that you’re attracted to the diamond’s sparkle – most people are. There’s just something so breathtaking about their ability to shine and sparkle under certain conditions. We’d say that we can all agree on that.
It’s one of the reasons why many are interested in diamond-embedded jewelry, by the way.
But there’s a catch: Purchasing a diamond is rarely as affordable as most of us would like it to be. Because of that, people usually try to find a way to “bypass” this and look for gemstones with lower price tags.
And this attempt usually comes with questions such as – do small diamonds sparkle more? Let’s ease the atmosphere in the room:
All diamonds can sparkle, regardless of their origin and size. Coincidentally, several things can increase or lower the sparkling effects of all diamonds, which means that some small diamonds can sparkle more than bigger ones!
Well, isn’t that some fantastic news?
But what’s necessary for diamonds to sparkle? How can we affect the outcome in terms of how much they sparkle? Is there a specific shape that boasts more sparking effects when compared to other diamond shapes?
Let’s go one step at a time – and unveil the truth together.
Below, you’ll find everything about how and why diamonds sparkle – and how you can enhance the overall sparkliness even if you possess smaller, one-carat gems!

Why Do People Purchase Diamonds?
When someone asks us what makes diamonds so desirable, we typically get several questions that tailgate the previous one. Confused? Well, we would be surprised if you weren’t!
Let’s take a closer look at one of the more typical types of conversations we’ll have with people:
They all – without fail – start with what makes diamonds a must-have. To answer that question, we must also discuss the general importance of diamonds in today’s society.
Regardless of your whereabouts, you’ll encounter a diamond at some point in your life. Whether on the streets or by looking through a jewelry shop window, diamonds are – well, unavoidable.
One example that comes to mind here would be an engagement. But why are diamonds a must during a proposal?
Well, that’s the thing: There isn’t a rule that forces people to use a diamond-embedded ring when proposing. And yet – we’ve all come to expect that an engagement would involve a diamond.
Why is that the case? Try to imagine a diamond for a second. What’s the first thing you imagine? It’s improbable that you didn’t imagine the sparkling effect of a diamond. We are all guilty of that reality. Honestly, the sparkle is the first thing that comes to mind!
And why wouldn’t it? Diamonds have one of the best sparkling characteristics among precious stones. Most gems do manifest sparkling effects to a certain degree – but none of them come even close to diamonds!
Of course, it’s not that simple; there are several things that we need to talk about regarding the “requirements” necessary for diamonds to sparkle.
But, before that, let’s go back to the initial question: Do small diamonds sparkle more?
Let’s get one thing straight here:
Regardless of the size and origin of diamonds – all of them can, and will, sparkle. Be it small, medium, or large – as long as they are natural, all diamonds will have the ability to produce a sparkling effect.
So, what’s the main difference between small and big diamonds, then, and does their size affect these characteristics?
Let’s dive in!

Diamond Sparkle Can Vary Based On Many Factors
Even if you find two natural gems that weigh the same, the probability of them being identical is – well, zero. It’s impossible. There are too many factors at play – and, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to discuss them now. You might find a hint or two here, though!
If you’re eager to take a step into an imaginary world and try to envision two identical diamonds, they still won’t produce the same sparkling effects! Why can’t they sparkle the same?
Well, let’s look at the first and the most important reason:

The Quality Of A Diamond Cut
Let’s start with the basics: The professional diamond cutter needs to spend a lot of time examining the diamond’s from the inside out to enhance a diamond’s capability to display sparkliness to the fullest potential.
All diamonds come with unique shapes and patterns that require extra attention if one wishes to enhance sparkle.
Now, today’s technology has advanced to the point where we can employ machines to handle a good portion of the diamond-cutting process. Still, it’s up to the professional diamond cutters to add that finishing touch that makes each and every diamond unique.
It’s that human touch that adds to their charm. Cleaning them, transforming them from their initial rough shape to a more desirable work of art – it can’t be done by a mindless machine.
And here, we can find the first hint as to what determines the gem’s general capability to display its signature sparkle – the quality of a cut.
Regardless of their size, all diamonds can sparkle. But, if you cut them to a specific shape, they might exhibit a better sparkling effect.
So, which diamond shape sparkles the most?
Suppose you compare the sparkling capabilities of a one-carat round brilliant diamond with a two or more carat diamond of a different cut. In that case, the one-carat diamond will sparkle more.
Can you believe that?
There’s a logical explanation to the previous statement for the suspicious ones among you – the answer’s hidden in the diamond’s number of facets.
The classic round brilliant stone features 58 facets – making them the best sparkling diamonds on the planet. Most other diamonds don’t include 58 facets, which results in less sparkliness.
So, if you’re looking for the best sparkling diamonds, the round brilliant diamonds are the ones for you!
With that in mind, it’s pretty evident that if you put two round brilliant diamonds with two different weights to the test, they’ll sparkle the same. But, what happens when we try to enhance several other aspects and conditions for one of those two diamonds?
As long as they’re on equal footing – they’ll sparkle the same. If you put one of the diamonds in a more favorable position, though, the outcome might change.
Let’s look at some other things that determine the diamond’s overall capabilities to sparkle, shall we?
Related Read:

The Exact Position Of A Diamond
Small or big, all diamonds need a specific light source to display their sparkliness. It’s common sense, actually, as diamonds can’t shine or sparkle without a source of light.
Why is this important? Well, here’s the thing: If you compare a large round brilliant diamond and a small one-carat diamond with a lower cut grade and put it in better conditions, the overall sparkling effects might favor the smaller gem!
How is that possible? Don’t worry; we didn’t trick you beforehand. The quality of a diamond cut is still the most crucial factor when achieving the maximum sparkling effect.
However, even the highest-quality diamonds can manifest poor to nonexistent sparkling levels without a source of light. The overall luminous levels are the second most important thing affecting all diamonds’ ability to manifest sparkling effects.
Here’s a quick test that you can perform at home:
Place a diamond directly under any artificial source of light that you might have in your house – be it regular lights, mobile flashlights, or any other source of light.
Now, remember the quality of the manifested sparkle and compare it immediately with a natural source of light – the sun. As you can see, the sparkling effect under a natural light source is far superior to the previous one.
So, if you wish to brag to your friends and family about your newly acquired diamond’s ability to sparkle – remember to do it in broad daylight.
Another thing that’s worth mentioning is the location of the diamond. Most people aren’t aware of this, but did you know that diamonds embedded in jewelry have lesser sparkling capabilities than loose diamonds?
Be sure to remember that; as long as the diamond is covered with something, it’ll immediately lose a small (or large) portion of sparkling capabilities.
Oddly enough, if you compare the sparkliness of a loose high-quality one-carat diamond with a five or more carat regular-quality diamond that’s embedded in a piece of jewelry, the “free” one will sparkle more, regardless of its smaller size.
The exact position of a diamond, the light source, and its location in a piece of jewelry are all necessary to consider when figuring out the upper limit of its sparkliness.

The Color Of A Diamond
Depending on the color of a diamond, it might exhibit more or less sparkliness. Fully transparent diamonds will have a better ability to attract, capture, and release light. On the other hand, foggy diamonds will have less room to manifest a sparkling effect.
It’s wise to consider that before you buy your next diamond, especially if you wish to charm your significant other and add a touch of sparkliness to that special moment!
That’s not to say that colored diamonds – such as blue ones – won’t sparkle, though.

Take Care Of Your Diamonds
Time tends to chip away at the value of most things. Fortunately, there are some exemptions to this rule: If you’re graded with a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale, then you won’t manifest any aging effects.
And yes, we’re talking about diamonds here.
Still, dust, oils, dirt, and other grimy stuff will inevitably affect the appearance of diamonds, even more so if you leave them unattended for several months straight.
Again, let’s compare two diamonds: If one of those diamonds is regularly cleaned, it will boast a consistent, high-quality sparkle. On the other hand, the diamond that’s neglected, as time passes, will sparkle less.
Avoiding that is relatively easy: Just take care of your diamonds!
We recommend that you thoroughly clean your diamonds at least twice per year. If you wish to clean them at home, we suggest educating yourself on how to do it right. We got you covered: You’ll find a guide on how to take care of your diamonds here!

Pair Your Diamonds With Other Diamonds
If you’re still not satisfied with the sparkliness of your diamonds, there’s a quick – although not particularly affordable – solution to that problem: Pair them with other diamonds!
By placing additional diamonds close to the central diamond, you’ll also enhance the overall sparkliness.
How? Well, the answer is pretty simple: The light that the central diamond captures will be released directly into other smaller diamonds – resulting in a non-stop sparkling effect!

Unfortunately, our journey – and this guide – has come to an end. But, before we depart once again, let’s briefly explain once more, do small diamonds sparkle more?
A couple of things can affect all diamond’s sparkling levels, starting with their cut grade. Some smaller diamonds can indeed sparkle more if they possess a better quality cut grade than their more prominent counterparts.
That’s evident mainly when comparing round brilliant diamonds with any other diamond shape.
You see, round brilliant diamonds sparkle the most. So, yes, small diamonds could technically sparkle more than larger ones – if we alter and optimize their appearance, that is.
The exact source of light, the position of the diamond, and its color are all factors that need to be considered when determining how much sparkliness one can expect from a diamond, too.
Oh, and while you’re here: Don’t forget to clean them at least twice a year if you wish your diamonds to sparkle radiantly!