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Can You Make A Diamond Into Smaller Diamonds?

Can You Make A Diamond Into Smaller Diamonds?

If you have inherited a diamond ring or pendant from your grandmother, and you do not particularly enjoy a vintage look, you’re probably wondering what your options are. 

There are several possible solutions, but you should be careful not to throw away the value of the original stone. The first question we will answer is: Can you make a diamond into smaller diamonds? 

It might seem like an obvious, quick-and-easy solution, but as you probably already know, things are not always as they seem. Read on to find out should you do this or not – and if there are some better solutions to your problem.

Recutting A Diamond Into Smaller Diamonds: Yes Or No?

Can you cut your large diamond into smaller stones? Yes.

Should you cut a large stone into smaller ones? No, we would not recommend that.

While it is rather easy to cut a large diamond into smaller ones, it is far from the best solution in terms of preserving the value of your stone. Therefore, unless your diamond is too damaged to be redesigned, cutting it up into smaller pieces should not even be on your list of options.

It is always better to try to reshape or re-polish the large diamond. Your goal should be to keep the stone as big as possible. Why is that so?

The value of a diamond is determined by many factors, but most of all, its 4Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat. We are now predominantly interested in carats since that is the unit of measurement for the weight of diamonds.

One carat equals 0.2 grams (0.007 ounces avoirdupois). The higher the carat size your diamond has, the higher its value will be. A diamond’s price is on the rise as carats increase. It is not a linear scale. Hence, if you have two diamonds of the same quality and one weighs six carats and the other only half a carat, the former will be worth considerably more. 

Recutting a large diamond into smaller stones will inevitably lead to the loss of weight (size) and thus a significant loss of value as well. 

If you have a six-carat diamond, you can, in the best-case scenario, cut it into three one-carat diamonds, which means a loss of 50% of the original weight. 

You might achieve a better cut grade and clarity but, even in that case, those three small diamonds will not be worth nearly as much as the original 6-carat diamond.

What happens to the leftover material during the process of making the three smaller one-carat diamonds? Sadly, it becomes a more-less worthless grit for polishing other diamonds.

So, let us recapitulate: 

  • Most of the diamond value is based on its size (weight), and cutting it into smaller diamonds would thus mean throwing away the value. 
  • If you are set on having smaller diamonds, your best option is to sell the large stone and use that money to buy smaller ones. You will still lose some value, but far less than you would by cutting up your large diamond.
  • Alternatively, you can find a top-class diamond cutter to redesign your stone or remove all its imperfections. If you choose wisely, you can have a diamond of a brand-new, modern cut and look, and of the best possible quality. 

Stay tuned to find out more on this subject!

Redesigning A Diamond

If you are contemplating making your diamond into smaller diamonds because it is damaged or looks old-fashioned, you should forget about it. An experienced diamond cutter can redesign and reshape your stone to remove any chips or breaks or give it a new, modern look. 

For example, an antique-style Old Mine cut stone can easily be transformed into a modern and beautiful round brilliant cut diamond of comparable value. You can do the opposite too, and turn a modern cut into a vintage one.

Recutting a diamond will also improve its brilliance and scintillation. That is usually achieved by adding additional facets. A diamond cutter can increase the cut grade of your stone by changing its proportions as well.

Removing the excess diamond grade might also result in the improvement of your diamond’s original color grade. The same goes for the clarity grade. 

Removing minor imperfections and polishing the diamond surface can result in improving the clarity grade from an SI1 to a VS or even flawless.

An experienced diamond cutter will be able to find the balance between retaining the maximum possible weight and producing the best possible color, clarity, and cut. In this way, you’ll be able to preserve the maximum value of your precious stone, which would not be the case if you were to cut it into smaller diamonds. 

Even though you will still have to compromise between beauty and value, there is no doubt that you will be far better off.

Of course, a lot depends on the initial cut and the overall state of the diamond you bring to the diamond cutter. These people are no magicians, even though they have been known to perform a miracle every now and then.

It’s best to discuss your options with a jeweler before you make your decision whether or not to redesign or reshape your diamond. They will assess the state your stone is in and tell you if it is worth recutting or not in the first place. 

You will get all the info regarding the value and saleability of a redesigned diamond, too. 

The good news is that no diamond is beyond repair. The best diamond cutters can always turn a dull-looking damaged stone into a dazzling brilliant diamond. It is only a matter of determining how much weight will be lost during that process and whether you are up for it or not. 

What Are The Reasons To Choose Recutting Your Original Diamond?

Preserving jewelry that holds sentimental value for you

Diamonds are usually purchased on special occasions, and even though our taste and financials can change over the years, most of us are attached to such jewelry for sentimental reasons.

If you want to hold on to your precious stone even when it is not in tune with your current style or taste, recutting is a perfect option for you. You will keep the original diamond but give it a new and improved look more in tune with who you are – and how you want to present yourself at the moment.

The same goes for damaged stones. 

You do not have to keep them hidden away in your jewelry box, especially if they are so dear to you. Have them recut and show them off proudly once again.

Making a diamond look good as new (or even better)

Even though diamonds are considered the hardest material on the face of the Earth, they can still get worn and torn over the years. For example, the girdles can chip, and upper facets can be scratched, making the stone unpresentable. 

You would not like to wear such jewelry, but the good news is that even a simple polishing can sometimes make it look as good as new.

As we have already suggested, recutting a diamond can increase its color and clarity grade as well. As a result, your diamond can end up looking even better than it used to when you first purchased it.

Once again, it is imperative that you discuss all the options with your jeweler. It would be best to ask for an example of what your diamond will look like after it is recut. 

Thanks to modern technology, you can get a clear picture of what to expect and make an informed decision you will never regret. 

What Is The Cost Of Recutting A Diamond?

There is no fixed price for recutting a diamond. A diamond cutter will have to assess your stone and set the price. 

What can you expect?

Some diamonds require just a little bit of polishing and will thus not cost much to repair. On the other hand, diamonds that require intensive work such as recutting for color and clarity will cost far more to redesign. 

Unfortunately, diamond cutters’ fees do not come cheap. If you decide to send your diamond for recutting, you should be prepared to spend anywhere between $200 -$300 per every carat of your diamond. Sometimes there are additional costs such as shipping and insurance fees. 

Make sure you are well informed and calculate all the costs ahead. 

Diamonds that weigh less than 0.3 carats are not even worth repairing since recutting costs will outweigh the value of the diamond. For the same reasons, highly damaged diamonds should best be left alone too. 

Recutting such stones inevitably leads to losing a significant amount of weight in order to rectify the issue. Of course, diamonds of high value or great sentimental significance are always worth rescuing. 

How Are Diamonds Recut And Polished?

If you decide to redesign your diamond, it is good to know what to expect. We have thus decided to help you get acquainted with the diamond recutting and repolishing process.

There are a few steps diamond cutters generally adhere to in order to ensure the best possible outcome each time they repair a diamond. 

Of course, every diamond is unique and different and requires special attention too. An experienced diamond cutter has a good eye for detail and is sure to bring the best out of any piece.

So, what are the basic steps?

  • Assessing the stone and predicting how much of it will most probably be lost during the repairing process.
  • Resurfacing the damaged or undesired area of the diamond by evenly shaving away layers of the entire stone. The goal is to either restore the stone to its original shape or give it a new cut the customer has chosen.
  • Repolishing a diamond to smooth out any remaining rough parts and secure its brilliance will shine through once again.

Finally, your diamond should be as good as new, and you can enjoy its beauty!


No diamond is beyond repair, but you must consider if it is worth the trouble or not. Cutting your diamond into smaller stones usually leads to a significant loss of weight and thus reduces its value way too much. 

For this reason, it’s better to have your diamond recut and repolished. You will sacrifice far less value and still get a beautiful brilliant stone you can fall in love with all over again.

See Also: How Many Carat Diamond Should You Wear?