With the summer days well now in the past, we can take a closer look at some key elements of wearing diamonds during those hot days and what can occur if we mishandle them. It’s good to be prepared for the next summer season, don’t you agree?
As most people decide to spend their free time on the beach during summer – we need to discuss a highly requested topic: Can sand scratch a diamond? Is it safe to wear diamonds while playing in the sand?
Fortunately, real diamonds can’t be affected by sand, regardless of the situation. But, if the circumstance is right, it only takes several sand grains to jeopardize the integrity of your diamond-embedded jewelry.
What is that circumstance? Aren’t diamonds the hardest natural material? Can we safely swim in saltwater while wearing jewelry that’s embedded with diamonds?
Fear not – all of your questions will be answered. But only if you continue to read this article!

Can You Wear Your Diamonds All The Time?
All people are attracted to diamonds, regardless of their financial capabilities. Sooner or later, all of us will encounter diamond-embedded jewelry, especially if we have someone we wish to stay close to us forever.
For men, it’s obligatory to buy a diamond ring before proposing to their significant other. On the other hand, women will always be on the receiving part, expecting a big and shiny diamond that will mark the beginning of a happy marriage.
Due to this ritual, all people who wish to live a happy life with someone, regardless of their sex, will encounter jewelry embedded with diamonds.
But, just because you have acquired a diamond or two – that doesn’t necessarily mean that you possess the necessary knowledge to take care of them. Don’t worry, we got you covered – as long as you click on the link here, you’ll find out how to successfully handle diamonds!
For all of you that wish to learn a thing or two without venturing towards that complete analysis – pay close attention:
- Although diamonds are the strongest natural material, they can still be chipped or broken – depending on the situation. Whenever you wear your diamond-embedded jewelry, it’s advisable to stay calm at all times – it only takes one precise hit on a diamond to shatter it.
- Wearing diamonds all the time is OK, as long as you take great care of them. Try to visit your trusted jeweler at least twice per year so that he can take a closer look at the condition of your precious stones.
- Diamonds need to be cleaned regularly, especially if you wear them all the time. You can use nearly all natural-made chemicals to clean these rocks. But, we recommend that you take a closer look at the previously mentioned link, as it offers healthy insight into this topic.
- Depending on where you are going, you might need to consider not bringing your jewelry that’s embedded with diamonds. Try not to bring your diamonds alongside you if you’ll travel somewhere by bus or train. Thieves are hidden everywhere!
- Lastly, if you wish to travel to the sea – you’ll need to pay close attention to how you interact with your diamonds while you’re on a beach or underneath the water.
Is it detrimental to wear jewelry while being on a beach? Well, to answer that question, we’ll need to take a closer look at several key elements that manifest whenever you find yourself on a beach while wearing diamond-embedded jewelry.

General Rules Of Wearing Diamonds Near Beaches
First and foremost: we highly recommend that you don’t wear jewelry while on a beach.
Regardless of their value, all jewelry can be put in harm’s way while located near the sea. Most people will wear jewelry that isn’t embedded with any precious stones, as stuff like pearls, rubies, and especially diamonds are considered expensive.
Did you know that an average one-carat diamond can cost up to $2000? If you wish to possess a diamond – regardless of its weight and overall appearance – you’ll need to pay a lot of money!
Because of that, most people would rather wear “naked” jewelry, as it’s cheaper to wear plain gold or silver. Even if they are in an excellent financial situation, most people will still choose not to wear diamonds while on a beach, as they think it’s a good idea to do so.
Whenever we conducted research and asked people why they aren’t wearing diamond-embedded jewelry while on a beach, they always told us that they think it’s wiser to leave them at home.
Due to the general lack of feedback, we conducted that people have good instincts when it comes to wearing diamonds but poor reasoning as to why they shouldn’t wear them. And we can’t blame them – not all of us are employed in the diamond-making industry!
So, let’s get straight to it: there is a specific reason why we tell people why they shouldn’t wear their diamonds while visiting the beach. Firstly, depending on the circumstances – if you don’t pay close attention to your personal belongings, someone might steal your jewelry.
Most of us decide not to enter the seawater with diamonds – which is an excellent idea. But, if you leave your diamond-embedded jewelry on a beach without anyone protecting it – someone might steal your precious jewels.
On the other hand, if you decide to enter the water while wearing your jewelry that’s embedded with diamonds, you might lose them during one of your diving sessions.
Due to rules of physics, all jewelry, especially those embedded with diamonds, will sink towards the bottom of the sea. Also, water helps in that regard, filling the gaps formed between you and your jewelry, making them more slippery and prone to detach from your skin.
As a result, you might find yourself losing your precious diamond-embedded jewelry that’s worth more than we usually wish to admit! To prevent that from happening, try to leave your precious belongings at home or in your hotel before going to the beach!

Saltwater Is Dangerous For Diamonds!
Let’s be more specific: diamonds can’t be directly affected by saltwater as they are durable enough to resist any chemical reaction that might happen. On the other hand, most metals are sensitive to saltwater.
Things like gold and copper are especially affected by saltwater – the ocean is highly corrosive towards those two!
Why is this important?
Well, even though nothing bad will directly happen to your diamonds – the corrosiveness might reshape the original composition of your jewelry, making it lose their shape. When that happens, most jewelry will lose its ability to hold tight any precious stones close to them.
Long story short: you might lose your diamonds if you swim in seawater due to the chemical reaction that occurs between the metals of your jewelry and saltwater. That’s the main reason why you shouldn’t swim with your jewelry that’s embedded with diamonds!
On the other hand, what happens if we wear our diamond-embedded jewelry while on a beach?
Well, interestingly enough, diamonds aren’t affected in any shape or form while making contact with sand. But, like with saltwater, several things can pose a threat to your precious stones.
Learn More: Does Salt Water Damage Diamonds?

Diamonds Can’t Be Scratched By Sand
Due to sand being between 7 and 9 on the Mohs scale, it can’t damage a natural diamond, as they are listed as a perfect ten on the Mohs scale.
Here’s a quick briefing: the Mohs scale determines the hardness of all minerals. Depending on how hard they are, they will be ranked with a number according to their hardness. The higher the number – the harder the mineral!
As the scale ranges between one to ten, and diamonds being a perfect ten – not a single natural material can scratch or damage a natural diamond. A keen eye might have noticed that we pointed out that sand is between seven and nine on the Mohs scale.
Depending on which sand we’re talking about, it can be classified between 7 and 9 on the Mohs scale. Natural sand that’s regularly found on beaches and under the ground is closer to 7. But, artificially made or sand enhanced with other minerals is hardened, making it closer to a 9.
Sandpaper is an excellent example – as it’s ranked with a nine on the Mohs scale, it’s regularly used to test the legitimacy of diamonds.
What’s the catch?
Suppose you try to rub a diamond directly on some sandpaper and notice that small diamond fragments appear on the sandpaper. In that case, that’s a strong indication that that diamond isn’t natural.
Most artificial diamonds lack hardness. Because of that, they are easily damaged if someone applies pressure on them, or they are put on the sandpaper test. Only a natural diamond can remain intact while being rubbed on sandpaper.
A quick tip: we suggest that you do this test whenever you wish to buy a particular diamond, as it can help you ensure that you’ll buy a natural diamond. If you spot a fake, you should immediately leave that store and file a report that people in there are selling fake diamonds.
Be a good citizen!
But, if sand can’t scratch a diamond, why should you be cautious whenever you bring your diamond to the beach? Well, let’s take a closer look at the key reason why you need to pay close attention to that situation:

Sand Can Harm Your Jewelry!
Just because diamonds resist sand, that doesn’t mean that other things stay unaffected when making contact with sand. Usually, whenever you find yourself on the beach, your jewelry will make contact with sand sooner or later.
It might happen when you play with your friends, loved ones or when you dive into seawater – regardless of the situation, the sand will make contact with your jewelry. The first second when that happens, nothing bad will occur. The sand will just make your jewelry look dirty.
You can easily wash off the external of your diamond-embedded jewelry. But, what happens to the internal parts of your jewelry? Unfortunately, all jewelry embedded with diamonds will have small gaps between the jewelry and the diamonds.
There isn’t a single embedding technique that allows diamonds to connect with jewelry without forming tiny gaps. Nothing terrible can happen during regular, daily wearing, but this problem manifests when something smaller enters these gaps.
Collectively, sand might seem big. But, if you look at sand individually – one sand grain is extremely small. So small that it can easily enter the gap between the diamond and the jewelry that hosts those diamonds.
Although nothing bad will immediately happen when that occurs – if you don’t wash those pieces of jewelry immediately after you have visited the beach – you might put your diamonds in a risky situation.
With every passing day of not cleaning your jewelry, the gap between the diamond and the jewel will expand, heightening the chance of losing your diamond. The connection between the diamond and the jewelry needs to remain tight.
The only way to ensure that they remain connected at all times is to clean them from the inside out regularly. We recommend that you visit your trusted jeweler, as he will know how to accomplish that. But you can also clean them on your own if you learn how to do so!

To Sum Up
Even if we’re currently way past those hot summer days, it’s not a bad idea to revise the general rules of wearing diamonds. Sooner or later, you’ll find yourself wishing to relax on a sunny beach close to the ocean.
But is it wise to bring your diamond-embedded jewelry close to the beach? Can sand scratch a diamond? These two questions haunt all people that are new to diamonds. Fortunately, we’re glad to inform you that this problem can be solved by following a few simple rules:
- Try to leave your diamonds at home or in an apartment.
- If you wish to bring your diamonds to the beach, we highly advise that you take them off before entering seawater.
- Lastly, sand can’t scratch a natural diamond, regardless of the situation.
Still, if you notice that some sand made contact with your diamond-embedded jewelry – we urge you to clean your precious belongings as soon as possible. Leaving sand in between diamonds and jewelry is detrimental in the long run.
Be considerate towards your precious stones and clean them regularly!
Read Also: Is Wearing Diamonds Good For Health?