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Can Baguette Diamonds Crack?

Can Baguette Diamonds Crack?

Depending on your style and personal taste, you might find yourself desiring a baguette-shaped diamond one day. And we can’t blame you – they are one of the most beautiful and exotic diamond shapes you can find on the market.

Jewelry shops are filled with them these days. You can pretty much count on the fact that you’ll have several pieces of jewelry embedded with baguette diamonds to choose from when it’s finally time to buy one.

But before you do, you might ask yourself: Can baguette diamonds crack? That’s understandable; you want to figure out if there are any problems behind baguette diamonds.

As it turns out, there aren’t any diamond shapes that can avoid cracks. That’s especially true when discussing baguette diamonds, as they are one of the most fragile diamond shapes in the world.

Why are they so fragile? Aren’t diamonds supposed to be the hardest material in the world? Is there anything you can do to protect baguette diamonds? Don’t worry; your every question is answered below. 

It’s up to you to decide whether you want to expand your knowledge on the subject at hand. But, if you wish to buy – or already possess – a baguette diamond, we urge you to continue scrolling!

Things To Consider Before Buying A Diamond

Regardless of how much you know – or don’t know – about diamonds, you’ve probably heard that natural diamonds are mined on particular excavation points scattered throughout the entire world. 

There will come a time when these sources will run dry, and we will hit the maximum amount of diamonds available on Earth. 

But that’s a whole separate discussion.  

As of right now, we believe that there are plenty of diamonds scattered worldwide. And the chances of you not seeing diamonds displayed in a jewelry shop are pretty slim.

So, that’s a bit of good news. 

But the bad news is that buying diamonds doesn’t come cheap. Regardless of how much you know about diamonds, we can agree that most people know – or have a rough idea – how expensive diamonds are.

As far as we know, it’s nearly impossible to find a quality-grade one-carat diamond that’s sold for less than $2000. Nowadays, if you decide to buy a piece of jewelry embedded with diamonds, you’ll need to save a ton of cash.

There are a couple of things that you should know before you decide that the time is right to dive into the diamond business – and buy your first precious stone. 

First things first, regardless of how your desired diamond is shaped and cut, you’ll need to ask the jeweler to tell you some crucial information about the precious stone.

More commonly known as the diamonds’ certification, this document serves as the piece of evidence that verifies that diamonds’ legitimacy. 

And yes, all natural diamonds must be documented appropriately as soon as they’re dug up from the ground, with the exact time, date, and location noted on an official piece of paper. 

That will serve as one of the pieces of evidence that legitimize diamonds’ origin.

If the jeweler doesn’t provide you with a certificate on that diamond, we urge you to avoid buying that diamond, as there’s a high chance that something might go wrong.

The trafficking with blood diamonds is present globally, and you can never know when you might be unintentionally participating in it. 

Second: Diamonds can be shaped in various ways – and all of those shapes represent something in the diamond-making industry and culture. With that being said, here’s a quick list of some of the most popular diamond shapes:

Today, we’ll take a closer look at baguette diamonds – and how well they can withstand cracks and breakage. On that note, you need to realize that diamonds are the hardest natural materials produced by Mother Nature.

Out in the open, there isn’t a single natural material that can damage a diamond. When we say “damage,” we mean any form of cracking, dissolving, and breaking. 

Unfortunately, when you add the human aspect to that calculation, suddenly, anything becomes possible.

Nothing Can Withstand The Raw Power Of Humans

We use our strength every day – but we rarely stop to think about it. From participating in sports to doing household chores, our muscles are capable of achieving extraordinary things. 

We promise you that we’re not going off-topic here. You see, for diamonds – especially baguette diamonds – things can get troublesome when they are targeted by human strength, unintentionally or not. 

The last sentence might be confusing, so hear us out: Whenever you wear jewelry that’s embedded with diamonds – there will always be a slight possibility of accidentally damaging that same piece of jewelry.

Diamonds are extremely valuable precious stones that need to be taken care of with exceptional tenderness. Although they’re the hardest natural-made materials, they can still crack and break if the necessary conditions are met.

When discussing baguette diamonds specifically, statistically, they’re among the most frequently cracked and broken diamond shapes globally.

Why are they more fragile than most other diamond shapes?

You see, every diamond shape has its set of pros and cons. Regrettably, one of the worst predispositions of baguette diamonds is that they tend to crack or break extremely easily. Because of that, people usually avoid dealing with them.

On the other hand, there are a handful of people that find baguette diamonds exceptionally pretty and appealing. At the end of the day, that’s mostly a matter of preferences. 

But, if you wish to buy a baguette-shaped diamond, you’ll need to know a couple of things.

All Diamonds Can Crack, Especially Baguette Diamonds

No matter how well you take care of your baguette diamonds – when comparing them to other diamond shapes, they will have a higher chance of cracking. It’s easy to understand why: 

Just take a closer look at them, and you’ll see what we are talking about here.

Baguette diamonds are cut to be both long and flat, where the surface area of the diamonds is more exposed than usual. Most diamond-cutting jobs are performed by professionals that have the necessary knowledge, not to mention years of ongoing experience.

Those people know exactly what they need to do when cutting diamonds. Depending on the name of the cut, the diamond cutter will need to cut, polish, rub, and grind at various angles and different positions, and in the process, apply all kinds of pressure.

For baguette-shaped diamonds, the diamond cutter needs to make the diamond flat and long, where the accent of the diamond will lay in the appearance of its surface-area clarity.

Related Read: What Is Diamond Accent? Everything You Need To Know

What does that mean?

Baguette diamonds are primarily made for people that wish to wear bracelets and watches. The round shape of those pieces of jewelry is ideal for baguette-shaped diamonds, as they can perfectly fit those accessories, regardless of where you want to embed those diamonds.

With a lean flat and long body, baguette diamonds are also witnessed in various gold and platinum rings. On that note, diamonds should only be embedded in jewelry that’s made from either gold or platinum materials

Avoid mixing silver with diamonds!

Back to the topic: When you buy a piece of jewelry that’s embedded with baguette diamonds, you’ll need to be extra careful with it. Otherwise, you could easily find yourself in a position where you accidentally crack one of your baguette diamonds.

People don’t realize how fragile baguette diamonds are, and because of that, they don’t pay enough attention to them, thinking that nothing bad will occur. Usually, you need to apply a small amount of pressure directly on a baguette diamond for it to crack slightly.

On a serious note: There is an extremely thin line between cracking and completely breaking a baguette diamond. Whenever a diamond sustains a crack, it will have a high chance that that crack will immediately lead towards breakage.

Although diamonds are sturdy, they aren’t completely resistant to damage. 

Whenever you try to crack a piece of glass slightly, you’ll notice that a small but perfectly aligned and focused pressure point on that glass can force that glass to break entirely.

The same thing can be said for baguette diamonds – it only takes one careless act of you unintentionally applying a set amount of force to crack that diamond shape. Because of that, people usually try to avoid wearing baguette diamonds frequently.

To be more precise, we believe that baguette-shaped diamonds are one of the rarest diamond shapes made in the world. And not to mention that baguette diamonds have a lower quality than most other diamond cuts.

All of that poorly contributes to the overall price and value of baguette diamonds on the free market. Still, you can find them displayed in nearly all jewelry shops, especially on golden bracelets and watches.

There’s one thing that’s frequently brought upon when discussing baguette diamonds: There are several cases where people are uncertain whether they have a real baguette-shaped diamond or not.

Related Read: What Is A Baguette Diamond? Guide To Step-cut Diamonds

Don’t Test The Legitimacy Of A Baguette Diamond With A Hammer

There’s a common misconception that it’s a good idea to test a diamond by using a hammer. Why would people do that?

Most people are aware that natural diamonds are extremely durable and can withstand all kinds of pressure-applying tools. To be more specific, if you were to use a hammer and try to smash a diamond with it – you could see if the diamond is real or not.

We urge you not to try that at home, as you can both hurt yourself and, in that process, damage your diamond. Just because diamonds are the hardest natural materials, that doesn’t automatically mean that you should play roughly with them.

By combining the weight and force of the swing of a steel hammer, you’ll undoubtedly crack the diamond sooner or later. Worst-case scenario, the final result will be a broken diamond.

Whether a broken diamond is a baguette diamond or not, it won’t lose value the moment it’s hit with a steel hammer. 

If you wish to learn more about what happens to diamonds that end up on the wrong end of the hammer, then we suggest that you click on the link here!

With all of that in mind, we urge you that you behave cautiously towards your baguette-shaped diamonds, as they can easily crack or break in half as soon as you hit them with something.

No one enjoys having cracked diamonds. Be considerate towards baguette diamonds if you wish to wear them leisurely!


Depending on how well you are informed about the diamond-making industry, you might’ve heard that baguette diamonds exist. And, as it turns out, these are some of the most popular diamond shapes found in nearly all jewelry shops.

Regrettably, there is a reason why they are frequently displayed behind the thick-glass walls of jewelry shops – they are hard to sell. The answer of can baguette diamonds crack will give you a better understanding of why that’s the case.

People usually avoid buying pieces of jewelry that are embedded with baguette-shaped diamonds because those diamonds can crack.

Well, any diamond can, technically speaking, break. But the main problem is that baguette diamonds have a higher chance of cracking if you don’t pay close attention to them. As soon as you apply hard pressure to the baguette diamond, it will crack internally or externally.

Regardless of how small or big it is, every crack will undoubtedly lower the overall worth and value of that diamond. So, we’ll leave you with this: Keep your diamonds protected at all times, especially if they are baguette-shaped!

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