“Diamond jewelry” is a pretty broad term – and one that covers much more than people usually think of, like earrings, necklaces, tie pins, bracelets, and pendants, to name a few. It is a pretty long list, that’s for sure.
But the most well-known and loved piece of diamond jewelry is, without a doubt, a diamond ring. These small but oh-so-popular pieces of jewelry dominate the world of diamonds and have been dominating the market for decades now.
The level of widespread acceptance that diamond rings enjoy isn’t something that can be rivaled that easily. And that’s to be expected. With that in mind, today we’ll talk about diamond rings and address a common concern: Can a single woman wear a diamond ring?
Let’s get into the answers!

Origins Of Diamond Rings
Diamond rings have become an instant hit, pretty much the moment diamonds reached Europe – and, later on, North America. These small jewelry pieces were loved and adored by kings and queens across the globe. From Asia and Africa to Europe and North America, royalty embraced diamond rings with open arms.
Now, let’s make something clear: Rings were already a thing long before diamonds ever came into the picture, so people weren’t unfamiliar with that type of jewelry. You could already see golden, silver and copper rings on the hands of “ordinary people” and nobles worldwide.
And even then, there was a belief that diamond rings were much more suited for the delicate hands of women while more simple rings made out of precious metals were viewed as “more masculine” throughout history.
That’s why we automatically connect diamond rings with women and simple gold bands with men – even to this day. When it comes to engagement rings – the most popular of all – the story behind them has a bit more context: Archduke Maximillian of Austria ordered the first diamond engagement ring on record for his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy, in 1477.
And that, our friend, is what launched the custom of men giving engagement rings to the women they want to marry. What started as one man’s act of love became a tradition that’s now so widely spread you’ll see it in virtually every corner of the world.
Later on in history – or to be precise, in the 19th and 20th centuries – diamond engagement rings started to signal the future groom’s wealth. Marketing did what it does best, convincing others of the value of engagement rings.
And today, the standard is that the engagement ring must be three times bigger than the man’s annual salary. So, in a way, the bit about the future groom’s financial wealth still holds, huh?

Are Diamond Rings Reserved For Taken Women?
As diamond rings became widespread choices for engagements, they cast a shadow on most other uses for this kind of jewelry. And that meant that, for a brief period of time, if you saw a woman wearing a diamond ring, you would automatically assume that it must mean she was engaged. That’s just how things were at the time.
But contrary to that belief, diamond rings are not reserved for taken and engaged women. These rings can be worn regardless of somebody’s relationship status because they are still just pieces of jewelry – just like a pair of earrings or a necklace is.
Despite what you were lead to believe, engagement rings don’t hold a monopoly on diamonds. Shocking, huh? Here’s another thing that might surprise you: Given that diamond rings vary in size and style, the truth is that only a very small proportion of all diamond rings are actually engagement rings.
And sure, there are particular diamond cuts, settings, and ring styles that are mainly meant for engagements. However, other diamond rings that don’t fall within these categories are just your “ordinary” pieces of jewelry worn by any woman (or man) who wants to wear them.
Related Read: Why Do Men Wear Diamonds? Is It OK for Men to Wear Them?
Although, of course, one could argue that there’s nothing ordinary about diamond jewelry – but that’s a whole different topic. Plus, people are getting way more creative when it comes to proposing to their significant other – and new alternatives to engagement rings, such as engagement tattoos, are popping up every day.
With that in mind, what’s stopping you from wearing a diamond ring? Nothing, really.
So, remember that if you see a woman wearing a diamond ring, it doesn’t necessarily imply that she’s wearing an engagement ring; far from it. She could be a single – but obviously very fashionable – girl who simply appreciates fine jewelry.
Plus, there are specific “rules” regarding how an engagement ring is typically worn: You should generally wear it on the ring finger of your left hand. That’s traditionally where you’d wear an engagement ring. If you want to wear your diamond ring and avoid any confusion, be sure to avoid that finger.
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Engagement Rings & Diamond Rings
Diamond rings have become the standard when it comes to engagement rings, but is that really all that diamond rings are suitable for? Well, of course not!
Diamond rings are much more versatile than some of you would think. It is true that most of the engagement rings you’ll run into are diamond rings – but that doesn’t mean that every diamond ring you see is an engagement ring.
So, let’s try to avoid such generalizations, shall we?
If you’re ever in doubt, remember the rule about where the engagement ring is worn. Any other arrangement containing a diamond ring – for example, one diamond ring on a middle finger with silver or gold rings around it – most likely isn’t an engagement ring.
Plus, if you know a thing or two about diamond rings, you can identify an engagement ring with ease. They’re generally designed with specific settings and cuts.
More subtle settings with four or six prongs that hold a diamond that’s 0.75-carat – or more – are most likely engagement rings. Pave and solitaire settings are pretty popular with these rings, so be on the lookout for those if you’re trying to identify an engagement ring.
Also, we’ve mentioned that in the last couple of decades, engagements stopped being exclusive to diamond rings. People started using necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry pieces to propose to somebody and found plenty of alternatives to diamond rings.
That only goes to show that people are, indeed, free to wear diamond rings without necessarily being engaged.
Related Read: How Much Does A Real Diamond Necklace Cost?

Diamond Rings – When And How Can They Be Worn?
When we are talking about wearing diamond rings, we have to talk about engagement rings on one side and the rest of the diamond rings on the other side.
First, let’s look at how – and when – you can wear your engagement rings. Engagement ring rules are simple; we’ve already explained where you wear them on your hand – but we haven’t told you how and when.
Engagement rings should be worn without any other rings on that finger, and preferably – on that hand in general. Your left hand should be reserved for a single piece of jewelry that goes on the ring finger. Furthermore, you should strive to wear your engagement ring all the time since it signifies you’re engaged.
What about “other” diamond rings? Well, in a sense, the opposite is true. Wearing a diamond ring that isn’t an engagement ring has only one limitation: You shouldn’t wear it on the ring finger of your left hand. Everything else goes!
Use this as an opportunity to show your style and combine some extravagant pieces with some more “basic-looking” rings on the same finger. For instance, if you have a ring with a pave setting, you can add one – or more – rings above or below your diamond ring.
Also, if you have a bracelet, earrings, or a necklace that goes along with your diamond ring, you can wear it at the same time. That is also a fantastic way of showing off your diamond collection – without your ring being mistaken for an engagement ring.
Read More: How To Wear Multiple Diamond Rings?

Diamonds & Special Occasions
Of course, not all pieces of diamond jewelry are the same. Some may fit well with your everyday outfits – while others scream “luxury” and are better suited for special occasions. You wouldn’t wear a diamond-embedded tiara to run errands; that’s the main point we are trying to make here.
It might be an extreme example, but jewelry like that is special and, thus, it needs to be worn for special occasions only. The same goes for statement-piece types of necklaces with diamonds – and any other more prominent and attention-grabbing jewelry pieces.
But we’re here to discuss diamond rings, in particular – and determine whether a single woman can wear a diamond ring.
Rings are arguably the go-to piece of jewelry for everyday wear. But, there are still some rings that are reserved for special occasions – regardless of your engagement status. It’s more about common sense and good taste than anything else.
Rings that contain larger diamonds – two or more carats – aren’t worn every day. They’re not so popular for daily occasions because they’re big and bulky, making it harder to use the hand that you’re wearing them on.
But other than that, you can wear your diamond rings wherever you’d like – and whenever you’d like. It’s ultimately up to you!
Related Read: How Much Does It Cost To Insure A Diamond Ring?

Best Diamond Rings For Young Women
It seems that younger women prefer rings that are either highly minimalistic or extravagant, with no middle ground. And regardless of which end of this spectrum you tend to lean to, we have a couple of amazing recommendations.
First of all, it seems that oval-shaped diamonds enjoy the highest popularity rate among young women. Round brilliant-cut diamonds are some of the most popular diamonds on the market right now – so it’s no surprise that women, single or not, love them.
Pear and heart-shaped diamonds rank pretty high among young women, too. In addition to that, it seems that rose gold is the most sought-after material for diamond rings. Rose gold has been popularized in the last decade, and it goes exceptionally well with round-cut diamonds.
When it comes to settings, minimalism seems to be the end of the spectrum that takes the cake. If the actual ring covers up too much of the diamond – that’s not desirable.
For that exact reason, younger women go with settings that allow the diamond to “breathe” and show off. When the setting is minimalistic, more light will pass through the stone, meaning it can reflect more light. And that’s what you want with a diamond.
The clarity of diamonds isn’t something that younger women pay as much attention to and don’t mind as much as the cut of the diamond, for example. Also, it seems that diamonds that are over 2 carats in mass have become more popular among younger women. Either that or the 0.5-carat stones are what sell the most when it comes to this demographic.
Related Read: Types Of Diamond Settings: A Guide To Setting Styles

Best Diamond Rings For Mature Women
Mature women are a completely different story. When it comes to their choice of precious metals, more mature ladies will go with gold or silver – which was popular a few decades ago – rather than rose gold.
Also, more rectangular or even square-shaped diamonds seem to be the best-selling diamonds among this age group. Princess or emerald cut seems to be the most popular ones, alongside the Asscher and cushion cuts. Also, an unusual cut called the “Baguette” has become more popular with mature diamond shoppers.
Even more so, these women seem to prefer smaller diamonds with a classic touch.

Diamond rings have become a significant part of many cultures worldwide. Their most prevalent “version” is, without a doubt, the engagement ring – but: Not all diamond rings are engagement rings by default.
So, to settle the matter: Can a single woman wear a diamond ring?
Yes, of course! There are many ways to wear diamond rings that don’t necessarily imply you’re engaged – and you’re free to explore them regardless of your relationship status.
So, to all of you single ladies – go and get your diamonds, wear them, and show just how stylish you are!
Read More: Why Do We Wear Diamond?